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Flamingo Realty & Burrum Heads Holiday Homes Cancellation Policy


How to cancel or change your booking -

If you wish to cancel or change your confirmed booking please email

To assist you with your request promptly, please include your name & property booked from your booking confirmation email.

Due consideration will be given, in consultation with the owner, to any cancellation at any time occasioned by exceptional circumstances.

A cancellation will not take effect until we receive written confirmation from you.


Cancellations  by Owner -

Flamingo Realty & Burrum Heads Holiday Homes is acting as the Agent  for the owner of the holiday property and as such cannot be held responsible when the owner of the property instructs us to cancel the booking.

In the event of an owner cancellation, we will contact You by email, phone call or text.

We will notify You as soon as possible and do our best to arrange other accommodation or transfer your booking to another time that is suitable for you.

If we cannot assist You in other accommodation then all monies paid will be refunded to you.

Please understand that no other claim, right or action or demand shall exist in or be made by either party.


Cancellations  by You -

Refunds for Christmas, Easter, School Holiday bookings -

To receive a full refund, You must cancel 30 days or more before check-in day.

If You cancel less than 30 days before check-in day, we are unable to offer a refund.

Consideration will be given to changing the booking dates to other dates as long as the booking is made for the same property for the same or greater tariff. Please see Amendments and Alterations to Bookings below for futher information.


Refunds for all other times -

Full Refund - Cancel 30 days or more before check-in date

To receive a full refund, guests must cancel 30 days or more before check-in day.


50% Refund - Cancel 8 days to 30 days before check-in day 

If you cancel between 8 days and 29 days before check-in day, you will receive a 50% refund of money paid.


No Refund - Cancel less 7 days or less before check-in day 

If you cancel 7 days or less before check-in day, we are unable to offer a refund.

Consideration will be given to changing the booking dates to future dates as long as the booking is made for the same property for the same or greater tariff. Please see Amendments and Alterations to Bookings below.


Amendments and Alterations to bookings -

  • Any amendments or alterations to a booking must be made to the same property as originally booked.

  • The tariff for the new booking must be the same or greater than the original booking.

  • The prevailing tariff at time of change will be applied to newly amended booking.

  • The new booking period must be within 12 months of original booking date.

  • No fee will apply to extend the dates of your holiday booking however, this is subject to availability.

  • Insurance - We strongly recommend you purchase travel insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances including loss of deposit, cancellation of airline flights, cancellation fees, medical expenses, and loss of any personal belongings during the stay.

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